The Impact That Hard Water Has on Your Plumbing

December 4th, 2023

You’ve probably heard about hard water and know that it’s not something you want flowing through your home’s plumbing. Hard water refers to water that contains a high volume of dissolved minerals, mostly magnesium, calcium, and gypsum. Hard water is common in cities: the minerals seep into the water through the ground and enter the pipes so water treatment plants can’t counteract it. 

The best way to eliminate hard water in your home is to have a special water softener installed. You can call on our plumbers in Glenview, IL to install one of these devices, which uses sodium ions to replace the hard water ions. 

But why bother at all? Since hard water isn’t harmful to drink, why make the effort to put in a softener? The answer is that hard water is often ruinous for plumbing and appliances. It comes with several other side effects that can make life in your house a bigger hassle. We’ll look at what hard water does to your plumbing so you’ll know why a water softener is a good idea.

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The Common Causes of Plumbing Emergencies

November 20th, 2023

The words plumbing emergency aren’t ones any homeowner wants to hear. They usually conjure up images of water flooding throughout a house, causing furniture to float on currents like flotsam after a ship has accidentally run aground. Most emergency plumbing issues you’ll run into won’t be so drastic, but they’ll still feel urgent.

You have a great ally for your emergency plumbing needs: Reliance Plumbing Sewer & Drainage. We have 24/7 emergency service available. We know how serious major plumbing mishaps can be and how much our customers need us as soon as possible!

We’re going to take a look at the most common causes that will cause you to call us for fast plumbing repair, any time of the day or night.

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The Causes of Sewer Line Blockages

November 6th, 2023

Having clogged and slow drains in your home is an annoyance. Sometimes you can clear out a clogged drain with a simple plunger or drain auger. With more serious stoppages you’ll need the help of professional plumbers. 

A clogged sewer line is a different matter. The sewer line transports all the wastewater from your home out to the municipal sewer system. If this underground pipe develops blockage, it will eventually cause all the drains and toilets in your home to back up and even spill sewage into your living space. Thankfully, professional plumbers like us can handle the sewer cleaning or sewer line repair in Des Plaines necessary to fix the problem. 

Below we’ll look at the most common causes of sewer line blockages. This will help you know what to look for as well as some ways to prevent problems.

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Bad Smells From Your Drains? Here’s What It Might Be

October 23rd, 2023

Nobody wants their home to smell like sewage or anything else rotten. It’s frustrating when you keep your home clean and tidy, but then you begin to notice unpleasant odors wafting from your drains.

What’s going on? Why is this happening, and what can you do about it, both immediately and in the long-term to prevent it from occurring again? We’ll look at some reasons for foul drain odors in this post. We offer high quality plumber services in Skokie, IL and throughout the Northshore and Northwest Chicagoland Area, and we’re ready to help stop any of your bad-smelling drain troubles.

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Winter Seasoning for Your Plumbing: Preparing for Cold Weather

October 9th, 2023

It’s not winter yet, but you never want to be caught unprepared for the first serious cold snap. Your plumbing is extremely vulnerable to cold weather, specifically frozen pipes that can lead to severe damage from pipes bursting. Take some time during the fall lull to properly winterize your plumbing as well as take other steps that will make it easier for your home to make it through the coming cold.

Below we’ve listed some key preparations to make. You can contact a great plumber in Glenview, IL at Reliance to provide assistance with several of these jobs. We can conduct an inspection of your plumbing if you want to locate any weaknesses where pipe freeze can take hold. 

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Ways You Can Avoid Big Plumbing Emergencies

September 25th, 2023

Plumbing emergencies are among the worst types of household emergencies you can run into. Nobody wants to be caught with a burst appliance that’s sending water all over the place or unusable toilets. But we have some good news for you. Two pieces of good news, actually.

First, you have a reliable 24-hour plumber ready to help you—Reliance Plumbing! No matter the date or the time, you can reach us for emergency plumbing service.

Second, you can take preventive steps to lower the chance of running into big plumbing emergencies. Below are some ways you can keep emergency calls to a minimum.

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The Job of a Sewage Pump and Why Some Homes Needs Them

September 11th, 2023

We offer many different plumbing services to our customers, and if you look over them, you might see a few you don’t recognize or aren’t sure if they apply to your home. For example, we offer service to install, repair, and replace sewage pumps for our customers. What’s a sewage pump? Is it something your house has or needs?

If you have no idea what a sewage pump is, then it’s possible your house doesn’t have or need one. Many homes don’t need this device. For the homes that do need a sewage pump in Skokie, IL, however, they’re critical components of the plumbing system that need regular attention. 

Let’s get into what a sewage pump is, why they’re sometimes necessary, and whether you have one.

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Do Water Heaters Need Annual Maintenance?

August 28th, 2023

Short answer: Yes!

Longer answer: Yes, absolutely!

We hope this is enough for you to reach out to us to schedule water heater maintenance—especially if it’s something you have never had done before. But if you want to hang around for a bit longer, we’ll give you a more in-depth explanation about the importance of water heater maintenance.

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How to Know It’s Time to Call for Sewer Line Repair

August 14th, 2023
cracked concrete foundation

Let’s face it: nobody wants to think much about their sewer line. Most of the time, it’s not necessary. But when a sewer sustains damage, such as from tree root infiltration or corrosion, getting fast sewer line repair in Skokie, IL is the highest priority—or else you’ll soon have an unlivable house because of backed-up sewage.

We’re ready to help with professional sewer line repair using the best in trenchless technology. First, however, you’ll have to know how to identify the early warning signs of a sewer line in trouble. Look for these indicators so you can get us on the job early and help avoid even worse problems.

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Why You’re Hearing Weird Noises From Your Plumbing

July 17th, 2023

You shut off a faucet in your house one day, and instead of hearing quiet right afterwards, there’s instead a strange clang or bang noise. It might even be loud enough to cause you to jump.

This isn’t a one-time occurrence, either. You start to hear this banging sound from the plumbing more and more often. Everything else about your plumbing seems to be working fine—so what’s happening, and is it something you need to worry about?

What you’re experiencing with your plumbing is common enough that it has its own name: water hammer. As plumbers, we’ve often dealt with water hammer in Glenview, IL and our other service areas, so we can tell you what’s going on.

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