Reliance Plumbing Sewer & Drainage, Inc. Blog: Archive for January, 2021

Top 5 Signs You Have a Plumbing Leak

Monday, January 18th, 2021

brown-pipe-with-pinhole-leakWe’ve all seen those movies or TV shows when a character walks into their home on a rainy day to discover water pouring from a spot on their ceiling. There are usually buckets involved and as dramatic as it is, it’s also usually resolved pretty quickly.

We have some bad news for you. Fiction is definitely not reality. The truth is, most leaks are actually from plumbing systems, not damaged roofs and rainy days. And once they’re coming through your ceiling or drywall, they’ve gotten really bad. They’ll require professional plumbing repairs and probably repair to your property as well.

We’d like to help you avoid getting this far. Fortunately, there are some ways you may be able to detect a leak before that leak grows dramatic-movie-worthy. Read on as we uncover the top 5 signs that you have a plumbing leak.

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Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater Installation

Monday, January 4th, 2021

tankless-water-heater-misconceptionsWhen we say “water heater,” what image springs to your mind? It’s likely a big storage tank with a number of pipes and lines sticking out of it, right?

Now, take away the tank and replace it with a much smaller box.

You might be confused at this point—how is a box going to keep all that water hot? Well, because it’s much more than just a box. It’s a tankless water heater.

This type of water heater is just about exactly what it sounds like—it is a hot water heater that doesn’t require the use of a large storage tank to hold gallons of water until it can be used. Also called an on-demand system, it’s space-saving and prevents flooding, among other benefits. Read on as we uncover facts about tankless systems that will make you want to upgrade today!

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