Reliance Plumbing Sewer & Drainage, Inc. Blog: Archive for May, 2020

Are You in Need of Tankless Water Heater Maintenance?

Monday, May 25th, 2020

tankless-water-heaterStorage tank water heaters are large, always noticeable, and can even be a little noisy. In other words, it’s pretty hard to not pay some attention to a conventional water heater, if that’s what you have in your home. You likely know that it needs occasional maintenance from a professional plumber in Glenview, IL. Scaling can have a major impact on it after all, enabling mineral buildup that causes issues with water pressure, temperature, and even potential corrosion. They need occasional flushing to offset this problem.

But tankless systems don’t need maintenance, right?

Wrong! Much of the maintenance done for conventional tank water heaters is actually quite similar to the maintenance performed on tankless systems. Read on as we uncover why you do, in fact, need routine maintenance for your tankless water heater.

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Your Sewer Line Vs. Tree Roots: What To Do

Monday, May 11th, 2020

split-drainage-pipe-with-rootsHave you ever wondered why your plumbing system’s sewer line is buried beneath your yard? You might have just assumed it looks more attractive this way. And that’s true, but the real purpose of this placement is for safety and functionality.

Unfortunately, this means it’s out of sight, making it harder to spot problems right away, and making it susceptible to problems like tree roots searching for a water source. This is actually a relatively common cause of sewer line damage and clogs, both of which require professional sewer line services to resolve.

As you’d expect, tree roots crave water and fertilization. So even the smallest leak from your sewer line can attract them. While tree roots aren’t the only threat to your sewer line, they’re certainly a big one, and worth discussing.

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